Oil Technology

Oil Technology

Oil Technology

Products & Solutions

Flare Systems


Flare systems are used in various branches of the industry to burn several byproducts, such as
- Ammoniac
- Fuel
- Benzene
- Hydrogen cyanide
- Sewage gas
- Propylene
- Crude oil

and for applications such as
- Pipeline load relieving tanks
- Processed material tanks
- Vessel shipping
- Tank cleaning
- Fume recycling systems
- Tank maintenance

The flare system is sized specific to the scope of application after a requirements analysis and calculation of all relevant parameters.
Container flare systems used as tank attached flare or auxiliary flare for capacities of up to 1,200 m³/h (blower supported).
Tank flare systems (blower-supported, adjustable) for up to 2,500m³/h or as auxiliary flare (with optional blower support).
Guy-wired auxiliary flares, with height 16 to 22 meters (48 to 66 feet) are used for quantities greater than 10,000m³/h.
Continuous development of technologies as well as material usage, consequent implementation of actual TÜV policies together with more than ten years of experience of our supplier in the field of mobile flare systems guarantee highest plant safety.

Additional Flare equipment:
- Ignition by a Climbing Pilot Flame
- Gas electric ignition
- Ignition Starter
- Flare ignitors
- Flare monitoring equipment